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Cancel Culture & Toxic Shame
UPDATE: This post is not about the healthy aspects of cancel culture, i.e. marginalized voices speaking up against offensive content...

The Upside of Anger: Understanding the Role Anger Plays in Self-Sabotage
Anger gets a bad rap, but it's part of a healthy spectrum of human emotions. Just like sadness, joy or relief, anger is an emotional...

How to Handle Unwelcome Diet or Weight Talk at Thanksgiving
If you know Aunt Milly isn't going stop talking about her latest diet, or that Grandpa will crack jokes about the Freshman 15 that you...

The Hidden Logic of Self-Sabotage
A lot of people have told me that when they first met me, they assumed I've always had it easy. Compared to many people in the world it's...

What to do After a Relapse
One of the most common questions I get asked by my clients in recovery is "What do I do after a relapse?" This is a really good question,...

6 Steps to Turn Failure into Progress
I'm going to let you in on a secret: I'm kind of an expert at failing. I've promoted products that no one purchased. I've poured my heart...

5 Principles to Guide You as an Empath
If you've been called "too sensitive," or "too much" by the people in your life, join the club. There's a chance, like me, you're an...

10 Food "Rules" to Ditch Immediately
Some food rules make good sense. Have some variety in your diet. Make sure you're getting enough to eat. Eat your vegetables. On the...

New Year's Intention Setting Process
Are you ready to welcome in 2019 with open arms? Michael and I have created a New Years tradition over the last 2 years that will help...
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